Three-piece, two-piece… Onepiece

Three-piece, two-piece… Onepiece

OK, I know it looks like I’m jumping on (or should that be jumping in) the onesies bandwagon but I just want to say, I had the idea first. I’ve loved the idea of slipping into a fleecy fabric and covering my entire body in its welcoming comfort for many years but never really knew where to look for such an item of clothing. Now, Norwegian company Onepiece ™ has got every pop star, film star, sporting celeb and wannabe modelling the very latest in geeky comfort, I feel I’ve missed out on a Dragon’s Den opportunity all those years ago.

Of course George Dawes wore a big baby romper suit on TV’s Shooting Stars, so similar items have been seen but it was just not quite what I was searching for. Perhaps, as a little tyke, I might have had a version of one myself, although I don’t remember such an event if I did. Friends have bought me one-piece pyjamas with feet and a button down flap at the seat, and although these were very nice, I knew there just had to be something more, well, substantial out there… but where? 

I’m sure there will be people who think its all about regressing back to my childhood but it isn’t - I’m almost certain I don’t want to look like an ageing Teletubby… and I definitely don’t want to live in LaLaland. However, there is something very reassuring about the look, and the fact that X Factor’s One Direction wear them means that they are trendy, youthful and fairly hip. Not that I was planning on arriving at the next shareholders meeting wearing one, showing the assembled faces how ‘with-the-times’ I really am… no I’d keep it for my own personal, and not public, romping moments. 

I didn’t know about the zippered Onepiece ™ until I was in Holland a few weeks ago and saw a guy (who I suspect was in his early 20s) walking down the street wearing one. My mouth fell open, and not just because he was really quite cute, and in such a colourful fleecy ensemble it is almost impossible to look anything but cute, it was the exact item I had been searching for all these years. I stopped him and asked where he had bought such a splendid garment and he pointed to the label. Eureka! No that wasn’t the label it was the moment when the world made sense and I knew I could track the firm down via the internet. Can you imagine my horror when I found out that everyone was wearing one? My original concept stolen, and even worse, had become the very item that everyone wanted over Christmas; the one item that looks perfect indoors and out… all zippered in to keep you all snugly and warm. I could have said “Bah Humbug” but instead I put in my order and joined the happy throng of fleecy, cosy-comfort wannabes.

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